Climate Resilient and
Inclusive Cities Project

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Climate Resilient and Inclusive Cities (CRIC) Project will participate in the Human Rights Festival 2021 by featuring practices and actions from its European partners and pilot cities, from 17 to 18 November 2021.

The event gains momentum as there's a necessity to put human rights at the very core of climate actions in the face of climate change. Paris Agreement also urges all parties to consider their obligations on human rights when addressing climate change. These include the right to health, the rights of indigenous peoples, local communities, migrants, children, persons with disabilities and people in vulnerable situations and the right to development, gender equality, empowerment of women and intergenerational equity.

Pilot4Dev’s Dr. Pascaline Gaborit will speak on behalf of the CRIC Project at the “Improving Migration Policy, and Governance that Adopts Human Rights Approach to Better Protect Migrant Workers and Accelerate the SDGs Achievement in the Asia Pacific” session on 17 November 2021 from 4 to 6:10 pm (GMT+7).

On the next day, 18 November 2021, CRIC will co-organise the “Collective Commitment Towards Social and Environmental Justice” session from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm (GMT+7). The project will feature ECOLISE’s Sara Silva, who will discuss a human-rights-based approach to addressing climate change. The project will also present best practices from its pilot cities of Banjarmasin and Samarinda. These two cities received an award from Indonesia’s Law and Human Rights Ministry to care about human rights.


Flyer Parallel Event CRIC HRF 2021 ENG 

Inclusive climate action

Mayor of Banjarmasin, H. Ibnu Sina, S.Pi., M.Si. will share the City’s efforts to promote disability-inclusive climate action. People with disabilities are one of the most vulnerable groups that are affected by climate change. In Banjarmasin, where climate-induced disasters such as floods and fires have a severe economic, social and environmental impact, people with disabilities are the hardest-hit group. The government is taking steps to ensure that climate change mitigation and adaptation action is taking into account the needs of this group, which the Mayor will explain more in the session.

Ms. drg. Nina Endang Rahayu M.Kes as the Second Assistant of the Samarinda City Government will speak to represent Samarinda. The City will share the local government’s obligations to fulfil the rights to a healthy environment through its waste management practices. The City already has local policies and initiatives to address a waste problem, one of the sectors contributing to greenhouse gas emissions.

The event aims to raise awareness on the linkages between climate action and human rights while facilitating good practices between cities in Indonesia, Southeast Asia, South Asia and Europe. Human Rights Festival 2021 is organised by Semarang Municipal Government, INFID, the Executive Office of the President of the Republic of Indonesia and the National Commission on Human Rights.


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A unique cooperation between cities, officials, civil society organizations, and academics towards resilient and inclusive cities.

Co-funded by EU

This project is co-funded by the European Union


Hizbullah Arief

Pascaline Gaborit